Top 100 Microsoft Dot Net Interview Questions with Answers
1. What is C-Sharp (C#)? C# is a type-safe, managed and object oriented language, which is compiled by .Net framework for generating intermediate language (IL). 2. Explain the types of comments in C#? Below are the types of comments in C# – -->Single Line Comment Eg : // -->Multiline Comments Eg: /* */ -->XML Comments Eg : /// 3. List out the differences between Array and ArrayList in C#? Array stores the values or elements of same data type but arraylist stores values of different datatypes. Arrays will use the fixed length but arraylist does not uses fixed length like array. 4. Why to use “using” in C#? “Using” statement calls – “dispose” method internally, whenever any exception occurred in any method call and in “Using” statement objects are read only and cannot be reassignable or modifiable. 5. What is ASP.Net? It is a framework developed by Microsoft on which we can develop new generation web sites using web forms(aspx), MVC, HT...